There’s no way to begin except to just do it. For a woman who is never speechless I seem to be unable to get going on this blog thing. So here goes nothing!
I am a straight shooter. My son, Patrick, likes to remind me to “filter, mom”. I know. Sometimes my thoughts sneak out of my mouth without due diligence to my frontal lobes. My boss at Presentation told me in a recent meeting that I shoot from the hip and that’s what gets me in trouble. I immediately thought (but held my mouth closed) “Which hip, Mary? My real one or my ceramic one?” Had she forgotten that I had my right hip replaced this last summer? The irony (and the humor!) of her comment was not lost on me.
On that note, people have been asking me “Aren’t you a little young to be getting a new hip?” and “How long will that new hip last?” My thoughts… how long does anything last? What warranties do we have on a breast or an eye or a lung?
I’d rather focus on living life and finding some mischief! I hope you will join me.