Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Plethora of Women

This last weekend I had the opportunity to facilitate a Day of Reflection for AMEN- The Alumni Mothers Extended Network for Bellarmine College Prep, the high school where my three sons attended and thrived. I was sort of a replacement gig. Sister Rebecca Shinas, better known as “the rockin’ nun of MySpace”, had some urgent family business to attend to. So, my friend, Rosemary, had the thought to ask me.

Well of course! What are the degrees of separation between Sister Rebecca and me? I do have a Facebook…

Wondering if I was equipped to replace a sister who has devoted her entire life to spirituality and celibacy, I was hesitant to accept.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

One woman's trash is another woman's treasure.

At the end of the last school year as we scurried about preparing for graduation I found this lovely Buddha in the highly polished North Hall, dangerously close to a large trash can. I took a photo with my phone and promptly sent it to our resident art teacher to see if she knew whose it was. “Yes of course. That’s Sophie’s Buddha!”

The email exchange went something like this…

Subject: your Buddha

Hi Sophie, I’m not sure if you intended to throw your Buddha away but I found him near the trash cans in the North Hall. If you don’t want him, I will buy him from you! That will make you a professional sculptress!!

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