Friday, April 10, 2015

When life seems unpredictable, it's good to remember that...

When I began the process of selling my home several months ago, I asked a Realtor to come over and assess the situation. We talked marketing and the best time to list and then we walked around my house and he gave me ideas for “staging”.

“The lions on the front porch have to go. Take those pictures off your refrigerator. Replace that entrance rug with something more neutral.”

And then he stopped in his tracks at this framed quote on my wall- “Everything Belongs”.

“That’s nice” he said.

Everything Belongs. A quote from Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest who advocates for living simply so that others might simply live. A reminder to me every time I walked from my kitchen to the front door that no matter what happens in my life, it all belongs.

This morning I am up early to do some last minute packing. I am having my coffee on the floor of my office. No desk. No chair. No potted blooming orchid.

The emptiness belongs.

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