Sunday, May 6, 2012
Sentimental Journey
When my three sons were little boys we used to play outside on Tedemory Drive in the sunny Southern California weather. I say we because I was often the mom out there with all the neighborhood kids playing three flies up or kickball or freeze tag or slip and slide. What appeared to be a noble mother-like thing to do was actually this mother’s excuse to go out and play- re-creating my own childhood days on Halo Drive playing hide and go seek and football in the street, and rollerskating with my best friend Holly Kocher around the block. I have the scars to show for it. This one from falling out of Mrs. McDaniel’s tree. That one from roller derby induced road rash. Back here is where I ripped open my leg falling into rose bushes while trying to catch a baseball. (BTW- I caught it!)
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