Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Putting away Christmas...

Ok.. on to the next thing.

My niece and future daughter in law are including me in a group text about wedding showers, having babies and when’s the next party. My cup runneth over but my energy runneth low. Even though I deeply admire their youthful enthusiasm and love for each other and for me, I want to text back “Ladies! Let me get Christmas put away first!”

So many things to look forward to in the new year. But before I go there I want to be here. I want to be here to put Christmas away. I want to look at all the ornaments I threw on the tree in such a rush between working, traveling and meal preparing. It all happened so fast and now it’s over.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Can you see me now?

When I lived in Portland, Oregon one of my favorite things to do in the evening with my neighbor Clara was walk around the neighborhood and just catch up on the day, build our friendship, and look into peoples’ windows.

From the sidewalk of course!

Homes at night, illuminated from within, reveal so much more than the typical daytime drive-by viewing. There’s often an interesting lamp or a curious seating arrangement. There is the lighting and the color and the architecture and the moisture on the windows that speaks of warmth and conversations and relationships within.

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