Sunday, April 9, 2017

Dear Boe...

I just wanted to write to you and tell you how much I enjoyed our play date this weekend. I had been looking so forward to it ever since your mommy set it up for us.

I think I’m in love with you. Oh my…

I especially had fun this morning when we were crawling on the floor together, exploring all the ins and outs and unders of your living room floor. You were quite interested in the plugs and cables. Perhaps you will be an electrician when you grow up. Or a deep sea diver.

Or a secret service man.

You’re such a good crawler. You get around with finesse. Remind me to invite you to my house next time I need someone to get that thing that rolled under my sofa.

I’m home now doing my laundry. And I’m giggling at the combination of dog hair, snot and mashed bananas on my nightgown. Good thing I raised three sons and have lots of Shout It Out and I know how to use it!

I’m reminiscing of our time together. Sigh. And I’m thinking of you.

You’re the avocado on my sandwich. You’re the frosting on my cupcake.

You’re the garlic in my baba ghanoush.

This kind of JOY is new to me. It’s wonder, awe and rapture all wrapped up into one.

It’s a little boy with eyes of blue. Oh, how I love you!

Your Sitti



4 Responses

  1. What a great Sitti you are and how lucky Boe to have you in his life! This is a beautiful reflection, Rosemarie. Children and grandchildren are among God’s greatest gifts to us. Enjoy this time of wonder and awe!

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