Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Gifts.. Hang on to Hope!

Hope is the feeling that what you want can be had or that things will turn out the way you’d like them to.

Hoping is a daily activity. I hope therefore I am.

I hope he’ll call. I hope they are safe. I hope the chemotherapy works. I hope the turkey comes out juicy. I hope today is better than yesterday. I hope there is not a run in my tights. I hope I find my keys. I hope they can can come for Christmas. I hope I find a job soon.

I hope my car starts. I hope he gets home on time. I hope she feels better. I hope it doesn’t rain. I hope she has a good trip. I hope I have enough time. I hope it’s not too late. I hope we can make it. I hope you will forgive me. I hope I get a raise. I hope I can find the perfect gift. I hope she feels better.

I hope I get an A. I hope he likes my dinner. I hope I can go to yoga. I hope gramma comes for Christmas. I hope we can all be together. I hope this skirt is not too short. I hope she likes me. I hope I’m not being a pest. I hope we can still be friends. I hope it snows. I hope she didn’t suffer too much. I hope he fed the dog. I hope she has a good time. I hope to get away this weekend. I hope I can be home for Christmas.

I hope I don’t miss my plane. I hope I don’t miss my opportunity. I hope my prayers are answered. I hope you dance. I hope they serve beer in hell. I hope you’ll join me. I hope he’ll pop the question. I hope she’ll say yes. I hope I can keep up. I hope it’s not too late.

I hope to lose 10 lbs. I hope we win. I hope I have time to wash my hair. I hope I get the promotion. I hope we can still be friends. I hope you will hear me out. I hope I can return the favor sometime. I hope you can come. I hope you’re feeling better soon. I hope it’s not an imposition.

I hope you’ll stay for dinner. I hope you like it. I hope you will consider all the options. I hope I find a parking space. I hope I make the cut for the soccer team. I hope you’ll meet me half way. I hope I get to see you. I hope the results are positive. I hope he let the puppy out.

Who are we when we lose hope? What drives us forward, gets us out of bed in the morning, tickles our funny bone and makes life worth while?

What is your heart’s desire? What would you like to be when you grow up? Is there an old friend that you hope to reconnect with some day? What is stopping you?

People who are hopeless are emotionally bankrupt.

Fill your coffers with HOPE.


2 Responses

  1. I hope and pray that we always find reasons to hope for better days ahead, when times are tough and that we appreciate the blessings we experience daily.

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